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About Us

Your Child Is in Great Hands

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At Highland Hills Montessori, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing Montessori and forest school experience for your child. Our philosophy is built on the foundation of respect for children's natural development, wonder, and curiosity. Our qualified teachers, fully equipped home Montessori environment, and over 6 acre woodland provides a world of adventure for your little one to grow and thrive. 


At Highland Hills, you can rely on an authentic, joyful, and warm Montessori experience for your child. As an AMI Montessori certified guide (teacher), I ensure every learning area is well-prepared and developmentally appropriate for each child. Previously, I led schools as a curriculum director, Head of School, and consultant, so you can count on your child receiving a wonderful Montessori foundation. 


What is Montessori?


Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori over 100 years ago, this internationally proven method is child-centered and fosters a love of learning based on self-exploration and interest in a carefully prepared environment. 

In Montessori, we emphasize respect for the child, process over product, and problem solving. We focus on helping the child to reach their full potential. 


What will you see at Highland Hills? 

  • Trained Teachers- properly credentialed Montessori teachers with the skills and expertise to implement high-fidelity Montessori 

  • Multi-Age- classes with 3-year age spans to facilitate mentorship among the students and encourage leadership development

  • Montessori Materials- A hallmark of Montessori is specially designed materials that provide a hands-on approach to learning

  • Child-Directed Work- Students are given agency to self-select work, leading to intrinsic motivation and sustained attention.

  • Uninterrupted Work Cycles- An extended period of “free choice” enables students to work at their own pace and without interruption

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Forest Program

At Highland Hills, children spend time outside every afternoon participating in our daily forest school program. Our forest offers children regular opportunities to achieve, develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in our on-campus woodland environment spanning 6.5 acres.


What makes our forest program special? 

- We explore our same forest everyday over the seasons
- We observe the children to scaffold their learning organically
- We integrate care for the natural world 

- All our staff receive on-going training in how to foster valuable forest school experiences with children


Our daily enrichment programs and opportunities make Highland Hills a wonderful place for children to explore the world around them.


In addition to our Montessori spaces and forest, we have a room dedicated for children to investigate STEM concepts with a climbing/movement area, ramps/slides, loose parts, light box, sensory table, and more. 


We also go on regular adventures  around our community to places like the pumpkin patch, farm, park, library... 

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Health & Safety - Your Child's Well-being is Our Priority

At Highland Hills Montessori, while we love to get dirty outside,  we keep a clean and beautiful environment. At all times, we take your child's health and safety seriously. In addition to regular background checks and Montessori certifications, all staff additionally maintain first aid/CPR and safe infant sleep certifications. We follow vigilant health and safety protocols to ensure that your child is in a healthy environment.


  For our youngest infants, we collaborate to follow diaper changing, sleep, and feeding patterns. Our toddlers and preschoolers are offered a nutritious, organic breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack every day. Your child's well-being is our top priority. We work closely with parents to ensure that all of your child's needs are met, and we are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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